I'm putting this website up to do some random, blogging? Is blogging a word? If it is then why the hell is spell check putting that damn little red squiggle underneath? Should I be saving this for my first blog? DAMNIT!! Why does the word blog come up with a little red squiggle? OK, it looks like I'm already writing my first blog.

This is exactly the sort of random babbling you can expect. I plan on writing these little diddys (diddys? damn! another red squiggly), and when you read it it may make you happy or sad, bore or amuse you, like it or hate it, or it might leave you agreeing or violently disputing.  Read on and you might find yourself entertained one way or another. 

Lets make it clear form the get go that I have no idea what the hell I'm doing. Other than the occasional oversized Facebook status or hidden little short story it's not something I've done before, and I don't see myself doing it in any professional manner.  I'm not that smart. I'm not that wise. I just occasionally have some random thoughts running through my mind and I enjoy writing them down so that I can enjoy them again later. The only difference now is that I might have a crack at sharing them.  

I'm probably going to just start by sharing on Facebook. This is going to suck because that means that for the most part the only people reading are going to be family and friends who know full well who I am.  If anyone else out there ends up tagging on along the way then I choose to keep a little bit of anonymity. Sounds dodgy but that's how I'm keeping this page.  This is one of my goals when it comes to its design. This might change. 

If I post, or blog, or write, (or whatever it's called) then feel free to comment, respond, share, whatever. I might enjoy that very much.  I might even respond. I might snub, insult, tolerate, dislike it, whatever. It could be cool. It could suck balls.   I might realise early that this is all a great big mistake, that I look like a douche, and quit. We'll see.

© 2013 Dutchy's Stuff